Many time is all different types of jobs a tattoo could be a barrier to getting that job. You may want to just have the tattoo removed if you are serious about getting that new job.
Individuals who have tattoos are venturing into the law enforcement career field may feel that there is a huge barrier for them. It seems that society judges you and imposes penalties for tattoo art. So now you want to become a police officer, a sheriff deputy, a state trooper, or a federal agent but you don’t know if it’s a good idea since you have tattoos.
Particularly if you have tattoos on the following list:
- your tattoos are “obscene”
- swear words
- nudity
- gang signs or affiliations
- swastikas or similarly offensive art
- Your tattoos cover your face, neck, or hands
Usually the motto is that if you can conceal your tattoos you can be a possible recruit. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. Gang signs or gang affiliation tattoos, as well as ideological tattoos ( swastikas, KKK, Black Panther, and etc.), may pose a definite threat to your law enforcement application.
If you are truly serious about a law enforcement career than you must be aware by now that there are tattoo removal services. It’s a painful option, but an option nonetheless and maybe it is time to give North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal a call to get your tattoo removed.