Getting Ready for Tattoo Removal

So the big day has arrived, you are about to begin the journey of laser tattoo removal. Here are a few tips to help things go smooth as possible:
- Stay out of the sun– If you are a sun worshiper give your skin a break from tanning for a couple of weeks. If your skin is sunburned we will not be able to begin until your skin has healed.
- Avoid topical creams and cosmetics– Do not use lotion, concealers, perfumes, etc. on the area of the tattoo. Make sure the area is freshly shaved and washed.
- Wear comfortable clothes- Especially around the area where your tattoo is located. Tight clothing can increase swelling and cause discomfort afterwards.
- No Ibuprofen or Aspirin- Ibuprofen(Advil) and Aspirin can thin the blood thereby increasing the chances of bruising and pin-point bleeding in the area being treated. If you prefer, Tylenol can be taken before and after your session.
- Eat a Hershey Bar! Studies show, and my customers can attest that eating a Hershey’s bar on the way to your appointment helps with the pain of laser tattoo removal. Cacao, the ingredient in chocolate increases your endorphin and serotonin levels. Plus, it tastes good!