Many times the people who come through our doors requesting the removal of a tattoo are in the process of changing their lives. They are shedding their old persona which the tattoo represents and rebuilding a stronger and better version of themselves. Sometimes this means getting rid of prison tattoos, relationship-oriented tattoos, or sloppy and ugly tattoos done at a cheap parlor.
We feel very fortunate that we can play a small part in this transformation by getting rid of the lingering tattoo reminders of that old history. We enjoy hearing the stories our clients tell us and experiencing with them the process of watching the tattoo fade with each session.
Many of our clients find the tattoo removal process cathartic. Something that once seemed permanent and unchangeable CAN actually be undone. The same can be said of negative self-belief, unhealthy relationships, and anger and regret. While certain aspects of a person’s history cannot be undone or forgotten, everyone is capable of moving on. Each day is a clean slate.
If you live in the Houston area, we hope that we can help you clean the slate, at least as far as your tattoos are concerned. The memories and circumstances those tattoos represent are not permanent, and the tattoos don’t have to be either. Give us a call to discuss tattoo laser removal.