We all make mistakes in life, some more permanent than others. You may never be able to live down the shame of what happened when your “night out with the guys” escalated into a drinking marathon (especially if pics and videos were posted on Facebook), but at least you can get rid of the tattoo of your ex-girlfriend’s face, which you discovered on your arm the next morning.
Okay, most people don’t have quite that type of experience, but there are many individuals who come to regret their tattoos for one reason or another. Luckily, your tattoo doesn’t have to be permanent.
At North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal we’ve seen and erased it all – the names of ex-wives, a bleeding skull that doesn’t make for very good boardroom conversation, misspelled quotes, tribal armbands that have faded in color and significance, etc…
Using the most advanced laser in the industry, we can get rid of almost any tattoo regardless of color, location on the body and age. Our Q-Switched laser works with precision, using short pulses of light to break up the ink under your skin, which will be naturally absorbed and flushed from your body.
The process certainly isn’t a walk in the park, but it works. You can expect mild discomfort and will likely need to come in for multiple sessions (depending on the size, age and amount of ink used in the design). In the end, however, a little pain and a couple of trips are a small price to pay to get your skin back free of that bare-chested mermaid that you don’t want your young children asking about.