So you have made up your mind and have decided to serve your country and join the military, but the recruiter gives you some devastating news-your tattoo is preventing you from enlisting. Not to worry, you can still get the opportunity to serve, it is just going to take longer before you can enlist. Depending on what branch of service they you wish to join, your tattoos will be evaluated based on content, location of the tattoo and how many tattoos that you have.
Offensive Content- All five military branches have regulations based on the tattoos content. Tattoos deemed offensive based on gangs, violence, drugs or sex will not be accepted. The same applies for any tattoo that discriminates against race, sex, or religion.
Body Placement
Navy: The Navy allows multiple visible large tattoos on the arms and legs, they just can not be visible through dress whites. Tattoos are allowed on the hands, and you can have one tattoo on the neck as long as it is not larger than one inch. No tattoos on the face, scalp, or forehead.
ARMY: No tattoos allowed on the face, head, neck, or hands. Additionally, no tattoos in the mouth, ears, or eyelids.
Marines: No tattoos on the face, head, neck, or anywhere above the collarbone. Hands must be tattoo free except for a single tattoo on one finger no wider that 3/8 of an inch. No tattoos larger than your hand, and arm tattoos must be two inches below the elbow or one inch above the elbow. Half and full sleeves are not allowed. Tattoos on the legs can not be placed two above or below the knees.
Air Force: The Air Force will not allow anymore than twenty five percent of the exposed skin in any uniform to be covered with tattoos, and no tattoos are allowed on the face, neck, head, or scalp.
Coast Guard: No tattoos on the neck, head, face, and hands. Tattoos on the arms and legs is limited to twenty five percent based on a visual inspection.
North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal supports our military and your decision to serve. We offer military discounts and will work with you and your recruiter to get your tattoo removed to be compliant.