Give Yourself The Chance To Start Over This Valentine’s Day With Tattoo Laser Removal
For many, Valentine’s Day is a chance to celebrate partnership, love and passion. For others, however, it
entails memories of past relationships that ended badly and are still lingering in the heart and on the skin.
We love that Valentine’s Day is all about, well, love, but maybe it should also be about starting fresh for those of us who haven’t found true love quite yet. For those who have loved, tattooed and lost, Valentine’s Day may be the right time to finally wipe the slate clean and move on from the past.
Many couples decide to immortalize their relationships with tattoos. It can be sweet when girlfriend and boyfriend or husband and wife get their partner’s name tattooed on their body or encased in a heart. Others go the distance by getting their lover’s face tattooed on their skin or some other symbol of the relationship.
These tattoos can be great reminders of love…as long as the relationship lasts. As we all know, however, some love just isn’t meant to be. Relationships end, and unfortunately they can leave behind damaged emotions and tattoos that don’t go away easily.
There is hope. No matter how bad your heartbreak or how big your tattoo, you can move on and find true love again. We here at North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal can’t really help you with the emotional aspect except to assure you that you are a wonderful person who is worthy of love. We can, however, get your ex’s name off skin.
Our laser removal treatment protocol works on all kinds of tattoos, including names, hearts, animals, or any other tattoo that symbolizes or reminds you of your relationship. The time it will take to completely remove the tattoo will depend on its size, age and the colors used, but just going to your first appointment is a powerful step toward the healing process.
Pricing will also vary, but we invite you to contact us for a free consultation where we can give you an estimate based on your specific tattoo.
This year’s Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about love for you; it can just as easily be about healing, self-acceptance. Getting rid of your tattoo and your lingering fears and doubts can help you prepare to be happy again. Who knows, you could find your soul mate by the next Valentine’s Day.