What to Expect from Laser Tattoo Removal
You will be asked to fill out some basic paperwork regarding your general health and some questions that will help us determine what skin type you have.
After the paper work is assessed we will discuss the procedure and go over any other questions that you might have. Next Step is that we will take some photos of your tattoo so we can track your removal progress.
Then we will start cooling the area to be treated with the Zimmer Cryo unit, you can do this yourself it the site of the tattoo allows this. Sometimes if the customer holds the cooling hose it can help take your mind off the laser treatment.
Next, we will have you put on some really cool glasses that protect your eyes from the laser light. When you are ready we will “zap” the tattoo one or two times to let you know how it feels. Once you know how it feels and if the site is numb we will then begin the removal. It is very fast…
After treatment, our staff will evaluate your tattoo and then apply some antibiotic ointment and place a bandage over the tattoo. Then we will go over the after care instructions and give you a copy of the instructions as well.
In 4-5 weeks, once your skin has completely healed you will come back for your next session where the process is the same..