Give Yourself The Chance To Start Over This Valentine’s Day With Tattoo Laser Removal

For many, Valentine’s Day is a chance to celebrate partnership, love and passion. For others, however, itvday[1]
entails memories of past relationships that ended badly and are still lingering in the heart and on the skin.

We love that Valentine’s Day is all about, well, love, but maybe it should also be about starting fresh for those of us who haven’t found true love quite yet. For those who have loved, tattooed and lost, Valentine’s Day may be the right time to finally wipe the slate clean and move on from the past.

Many couples decide to immortalize their relationships with tattoos. It can be sweet when girlfriend and boyfriend or husband and wife get their partner’s name tattooed on their body or encased in a heart. Others go the distance by getting their lover’s face tattooed on their skin or some other symbol of the relationship.

These tattoos can be great reminders of love…as long as the relationship lasts. As we all know, however, some love just isn’t meant to be. Relationships end, and unfortunately they can leave behind damaged emotions and tattoos that don’t go away easily.

There is hope. No matter how bad your heartbreak or how big your tattoo, you can move on and find true love again. We here at North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal can’t really help you with the emotional aspect except to assure you that you are a wonderful person who is worthy of love. We can, however, get your ex’s name off skin.

Our laser removal treatment protocol works on all kinds of tattoos, including names, hearts, animals, or any other tattoo that symbolizes or reminds you of your relationship. The time it will take to completely remove the tattoo will depend on its size, age and the colors used, but just going to your first appointment is a powerful step toward the healing process.

Pricing will also vary, but we invite you to contact us for a free consultation where we can give you an estimate based on your specific tattoo.

This year’s Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about love for you; it can just as easily be about healing, self-acceptance. Getting rid of your tattoo and your lingering fears and doubts can help you prepare to be happy again. Who knows, you could find your soul mate by the next Valentine’s Day.

How Laser Tattoo Really Works

laser-tattoo-removal-tarpon-springsOne of the most common questions asked about laser tattoo removal. People associate lasers with burning, and while there is heat involved and the after effects of laser tattoo removal mimic those of second degree burns, the laser is not burning off layers of skin.

Here is what really happens; The energy and associated heat is absorbed by the tattoo ink. Once the ink has absorbed enough heat and energy, it shatters into much smaller particles. Shattering tattoo ink is an extremely fast process. The laser’s energy is applied for a mere nanosecond. That’s less time that it takes to blink! Laser treatments do last much longer than a few nanoseconds, however, as the entire tattoo must be treated in order to shatter ink throughout the tattoo.

Once the ink is shattered, it is able to cool off even more rapidly. This allows for the surrounding tissue to be virtually undamaged. Some very slight bleeding, scabbing, and blistering is possible, but heal over a matter of a few weeks.

Laser tattoo removal sessions are generally performed about every 4-6 weeks to allow the body to completely heal and also for the immune system to remove a good portion of the shattered ink.

With each session, the energy of the laser will be turned up to enable the laser’s energy to be absorbed by deeper layers of ink. On average a tattoo takes between 5 and 10 sessions to remove. This is a very broad range as there are numerous factors that determine how easily a tattoo will be to remove through laser treatments.

North Houston Tattoo Removal offers free consultations so that any questions you may have can be answered by one of our certified laser specialists, and also so that an assessment of your tattoo can determine a more specific range of how many sessions will be needed for your specific tattoo. If you are considering laser tattoo removal, call North Houston Tattoo Removal.

Definition of Tattoo Removal

Get Tattoo RemovedTattoo ink is placed beneath the top layer of skin. That makes tattoo removal more complicated  than the original tattoo application. If you’re no longer satisfied with your tattoo, however, tattoo removal might be possible.

Common procedures for tattoo removal include:

  • Laser surgery
  • Dermabrasion
  • Surgical removal

If you’re interested in tattoo removal, consult North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal about the options. Don’t attempt tattoo removal on your own. Do-it-yourself tattoo removal creams and other home treatments aren’t likely to be effective and can cause skin irritation or other reactions.

There are some risks:

Scarring is likely after most types of tattoo removal. Infection or skin discoloration is possible as well.


Tattoo: Less Reliable at Work?

People with tattoos being seen as less reliable and not serious for work, based on this you may want to get those tattoos removed, especially if they are visible on your arms, hands, neck or face.   

With the army banning the candidates with tattoo from their recruitment rallies, we wonder whether such rules also exist in corporate world too?

While getting tattooed is one of the coolest things you can do with your body, but the army’s recent ban on recruitment of 802687people with body artwork has once again brought to fore, the desirability of having tattooed professionals in the workplace.

While army contends that having a tattoo increases the risk of contracting HIV and other infections among recruits, the HR department of corporate houses have some reservations of their own. Many corporate houses generally discourage the recruitment of tattooed persons into their fold because of the general impression that they won’t be serious enough with their work.

When Tattoos Outlast Love

A popular and enduring way that men and women demonstrate their love is by getting a token of affection bad tattoospermanently tattooed on their body. The old mainstays include a heart with a lover’s name in the middle, a name wrapped around a ring finger, or even that special someone’s face immortalized forever on an arm, back or other body part.

Many people who submit to the needle believe that their love is as eternal as the ink going under their skin. Unfortunately, life sometimes works out differently.

Recently, tattoo artist Kat Von D (famous for the now-defunct reality show L.A. Ink) announced that she was getting the face of her ex-fiancé, Jesse James, removed after the two broke up (again). The announcement came on Kat’s Twitter page and included Instagram pics of the large tattoo on her ribcage going under the laser.

Kat Von D’s story is familiar to us in the tattoo laser removal business. Love doesn’t always last, and in many cases, a tattoo with a name, face or other meaningful image can be a painful reminder of a broken relationship.

Many of our clients come in hoping to use laser tattoo removal to not only get rid of an unhappy memory, but also as a catharsis. Sometimes, our clients find that removing the tattoo of someone who broke their heart is a symbolic way of washing away the pain and hurt so that they can move forward.

At North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal, we are happy to help clients with this healing process. If you’ve read our previous blog posts or reviewed the information on our website, then you know that we offer top-of-the-line laser removal treatment. Our Q-Switched laser produces short pulses of light energy that break up the tattoo ink beneath your skin, which your body will naturally absorb.

Most tattoos require multiple laser removal sessions in order to fully remove, and the specific time it will take to remove your tattoo will depend on its size, age and coloring. If your tattoo is just a small name, we can likely get it off with only a few sessions. A large face, like the tattoo Kat Von D is removing, will take many more sessions and have a higher price tag.

The cost for many, however, is worth the benefit of erasing a relationship gone sour from their skin so they can move forward both figuratively and literally with a clean slate.

We hope you never have to come into our shop to remove a relationship tattoo, but if you do, we’re here for you and will help you remove the tattoo as quickly and efficiently as possible.

On The Job Market? Your Tattoo May Be Making A Bad First Impression

Even though the economy is beginning to pick up, jobs are still not easy to come by in many industries. In this highly North Houston Laser Tattoo Removalcompetitive environment, job seekers know that first impressions are even more critical than ever. While it’s important to practice that firm handshake and “dress for success”, some job seekers are going to even farther lengths, such as dying gray hair or removing tattoos, in order to make a good first impression.

Many people view tattoos negatively and immediately make judgments about those who are tattooed, especially if a tattoo is large, in a highly visible place or contains violent or graphic imagery.

If those people happen to be on the other side of the interview table when you come looking for a job, it may not matter how much experience you have or what a great candidate you are – your tattoo will do all the talking for you.

It’s unfortunate that the world works this way, but that doesn’t change reality. Tatted up job seekers who are looking for careers in a professional and polished environment may find that the phone isn’t exactly ringing off the hook from prospective employers.

In some cases, laser tattoo removal may help improve a candidates chances of getting a job or at least avoiding an unconscious negative bias that employers may have about tattoos. Obviously, this is not a decision that should be made impulsively. If you feel that your tattoo is a part of who you are or expresses something very important, than a job probably isn’t worth losing that part of yourself.

However, if your tattoo no longer represents who you really are and you feel that it is holding you back from landing a good job, then tattoo laser removal may help even the playing field between you and other job candidates.

Just make sure you take the time to learn about what laser tattoo removal entails as far as time, results and pricing (you can learn all about these factors by reading this blog). For one thing, if you’re looking to get rid of that huge skull and crossbones on your neck for your job interview tomorrow, sorry, but it’s just not going to happen. Most tattoos require multiple sessions in order to fully remove, which includes healing time between each session.

Additionally, laser tattoo removal isn’t cheap. If you’re unemployed and on a tight budget, you might be better off investing in a long-sleeve blouse or a nice turtleneck, at least until you get a job and can save up for laser tattoo removal.

Lastly, removing a tattoo won’t guarantee that the job offers start pouring in; it just might help you make a better first impression, which usually leads to good things.

What to Expect from Laser Tattoo Removal

Steps to Tattoo RemovalYou will be asked to fill out some basic paperwork regarding your general health and some questions that will help us determine what skin type you have.

After the paper work is assessed we will discuss the procedure and go over any other questions that you might have.  Next Step is that we will take some photos of your tattoo so we can track your removal progress.

Then we will start cooling the area to be treated with the Zimmer Cryo unit, you can do this yourself it the site of the tattoo allows this.  Sometimes if the customer holds the cooling hose it can help take your mind off the laser treatment.

Next, we will have you put on some really cool  glasses that protect your eyes from the laser light.   When you are ready we will “zap” the tattoo one or two times to let you know how it feels.   Once you know how it feels and if the site is numb we will then begin the removal.  It is very fast…

After treatment, our staff will evaluate your tattoo and then apply some antibiotic ointment and place a bandage over the tattoo.  Then we will go over the after care instructions and give you a copy of the instructions as well.

In 4-5 weeks, once your skin has completely healed you will come back for your next session where the process is the same..

How Long Does Tattoo Removal Take?

That arm sleeve of tats seemed like a great idea when you were young and definitely going to make it as a rock star no matter what your mother said. Fifteen years later, you’re getting tired of wearing long sleeves to the office every day and sweaters whenever you have dinner with the in-laws.

Your life has changed. It’s easy enough to pack up your drum set, shave off the Mohawk and box up that leather jacket that drove the girls crazy. It’s a little harder to get your skin back, but not impossible.

At North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal, we specialize in wiping away the past and giving you a new start with your skin.

One of the most common questions we get from customers is, “how long does tattoo removal take?”

The answer depends on a number of factors, but in most cases it will require more than one treatment. The size of your tattoo, its age, and the amount of ink used will all affect how many treatments you’ll need. Obviously, smaller tattoos come off easier, as do simple line drawings that are not filled in with color.

To give you a sense, a black lettered tattoo will usually take around five treatments to remove. Larger tattoos, such as an arm sleeve may take up to fifteen treatments to remove. Warm colors like reds, oranges and yellows are easier to remove than cool colors like blues, purples and blacks, so that will also affect the number of treatments you’ll need.

If you want a more accurate estimate of how many sessions it will take to remove your tattoo, it’s best to stop by our shop so that we can take a look. Once we see your tattoo, we’ll be able to give you a relatively accurate assessment of how many treatments it will take to remove

Ready to finally banish the tattoos of your youth? Give us a call at North Houston Laser Tattoo Removal at (281) 440-GONE.