Arkansas REALLY Doesn’t Want You to Get a New Tattoo

tattoologoIn a move that is (unsurprisingly) fiercely being opposed by some residents and those in the tattoo industry, Arkansas House of Representatives just passed a bill that will ban certain tattooing procedures.

Specifically scarification (the practice of cutting into the skin or branding that creates scars) is being targeted, but many people are up in arms about the government interfering with citizen’s rights to tattoo themselves however they want. Many worry that the rules are intentionally vague and may lead to more regulations that limit people’s way of expressing themselves.

Senators argued that “nontraditional” tattooing practices increased health risks, though they did not provide tangible evidence to back up their claim. Just remember, if you are not an Arkansas resident and are thinking about getting a “scarred” tattoo, even our laser can’t remove those. That is a memory you will have for life!

The Army is Going to Implement New Tattoo Rules

laser-tattoo-removal-tarpon-springsThe US Army is set to regulate tattoos tattoos on incoming recruits even further. New regulations state that soldiers will not be allowed to have tattoos that show above the neckline, below the elbow and below the knee. Current policy states that no soldier may have tattoos anywhere on the head, face, and neck above the class A uniform collar.

What about soldiers that already have these prohibited tattoos? According to the new policy, soldiers who currently have tattoos in banned areas will be grandfathered in. As always, tattoos that are racist, extremist or sexist are banned as well. The changes are expected to take effect in the next 30 to 60 days and only apply to the Army at this time. If you or a loved one are planning on joining the Army and have tattoos in banned places, be sure to give us a call and look into having those tattoos removed.

Info from:

By Elizabeth Threadgill

Most Painful Places to Get A Tattoo

LIKE-us-on-Facebook-2657How much did your tattoo hurt? When many people get tattoos, one of the last things they take into consideration is the pain. Things like price, what to get, where to go to, what will people think etc. tend to be the forefront of people’s minds when they get tattoos. Often times people don’t take the needle and pain into consideration!

Often times the most painful places to get a tattoo are boney locations without the comforting padding of fat. Locations like ankles, tops of feet, ribcages (not good news for those planning a trendy rib tattoo) are rated the top most painful places to get tatted. Some tattoo artists won’t even do the tops of the feet, and these take 2-3 weeks to fully heal. Other extra painful locations that have been reported are behind the knees (ouch!), behind the ear (due to think skin), and lips (no fatty tissue to cushion the pain).

If the pain of that top-of-the-foot tattoo wasn’t worth it and you want it gone, give us a call today.

By Elizabeth Threadgill

24 Hour Waiting Period for Tattoos

LIKE-us-on-Facebook-964The days of hitting the tequila too hard and waking up with a mysterious surprise tattoo may be coming to to an end in some areas of the country. Washington D.C. is proposing a 24 hour waiting period on tattoos. If the city gets their way, tattoo artists will have to wait 24 hours before they can tattoo a client.

Understandably, many tattoo shops are up in arms about the proposed law, stating it will harm business and the industry is being over regulated. The potential new regulation is aimed at people that may not be in the right frame of mind to get a tattoo; those heavily under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The DC Health Department said the proposed regulation is also aimed at reducing the cases of Hepatitis B and other potential risks. Washington D.C. isn’t the only area considering this new law. South Florida and Indiana are also rumored to be entertaining this law, but as of now nothing is official.


How Soon can You Remove Your Tattoo?

021Did you get a truly terrible tattoo that needs to be off immediately? Whether the effect of hitting the tequila too hard or just an unskilled tattoo artist, some people are so unhappy with their new tattoos that they want them gone now. 

If your reason is the latter, all hope may not be lost. Many tattoo artists are skilled in fixing other’s mistakes, and assuming you wanted that tattoo in the first place, do your research to find a good artist that can fix your botched tattoo.

If your tattoo was a mistake that you want removed immediately, there is some difference of opinions in the tattoo removal industry. Some feel that it is safe to remove the tattoo immediately, although it won’t be any more effective than if you were to wait awhile. The more prevalent thought is to wait six weeks after getting the tattoo so the skin isn’t as sensitive. Treating your ink too soon increases the risks of adverse effects, obviously something you don’t want.

Removing Amateur Tattoos

Laser-Tattoo-Removal-21If you have an amateur tattoo that you would like to be removed, consider yourself lucky. Amateur tattoos (a tattoo not done by a professional, often times done by friends or perhaps in jail) are usually easier to remove than professional tattoos because of ink quality and method used.

Amateur tattoos are easier to remove because the ink usually isn’t imbedded as deeply and the ink isn’t as good of quality. Sometimes pen ink, ashes from burnt newspaper and crushed up lead is used to make ink (yikes!) making is not quite as permanent as professional quality.

Sometimes (though of course not always) people with amateur tattoos will need less laser treatments than those with professional tattoos. Luckily for you, that hand drawn Tweety Bird on your ankle that your friend did for you in his basement might not have to be as permanent as you thought.

By Elizabeth Threadgill

Waiting period to get a tattoo?

The following is about making people wait 24 hours before they can get their tattoo, brought to us by:  The Blaze online magazine.

Individuals hoping to emblazon their bodies with tattoo art may have to endure a mandatory 24-hour waiting period, if a proposition by the city’s Health Department is adopted.

“The licensee or operator of a body art establishment shall ensure that no tattoo artist applies any tattoo to a customer until after twenty-four hours have passed since the customer first requested the tattoo,” reads a portion of a new set of regulations from the federal city’s Department of Health.

Najma Roberts, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health, defended the proposed regulationin an interview with the Washington Post, saying it will help prevent “serious health risks.”

Deciding Where To Put Your Tattoo Could Have Big Consequences

For most people, the most important part of the tattoo decision-making process is what to have inked onto their skin. Tattoos are a permanent marking, so whatever you get, you’d better make sure you are willing to live with it for life; otherwise, you may be coming to us for tattoo laser removal services later!

Another big decision is where to place your tattoo on your body. This is important for many reasons. Chiefly, the area you choose will impact the pain you will experience during the procedure, since certain areas of the body are much more sensitive than others. Also, whether or not your tattoo is visible could affect how others judge you and even whether or not you get hired.

If you place a tattoo in a highly visible location, such as the face, neck or hands, you may be at a disadvantage when you sit down for a job interview. There are also many jobs that do not allow visible tattoos (including some major police departments), which could hurt your employment prospects further.

We’re not in any position to judge what type of tattoo you get or where you put it on your body. We do however, meet many people who later regretted getting highly visible tattoos. They come to us asking for tattoo laser removal, which costs time and money.